Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com) on http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0477348/plotsummary
Saturday, December 27, 2008
No Country for Old Men
Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com) on http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0477348/plotsummary
Label: No Country for Old Men
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 3:59 AM 0 komentar
There Will Be Blood
There Will Be Blood
Written by Denny Gibbons on http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0469494/plotsummary
Label: There Will Be Blood
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 3:53 AM 0 komentar
Monday, December 22, 2008
Jim Carrey is The Yes Man
Despite the fact that I am a huge fan of Carrey, I admit a lot of his comedic performances are somewhat ridiculous. But this is legitimately a sensible comedy where he doesn't use a lot of his "Rubberface" antics and actually just acts funny. The premise of this film is intriguing and I loved watching it. Both Jim and Zooey are excellent the story is amazing. All the Carrey-haters should give this one a chance, it really deserves it. I think Jim's most recent movies have been great. It's his older movies that people hate him for. But he's becoming a legit dramatic actor who can also be funny. He sometimes goes over the top, but all-in-all he is a multi-faceted professional. This movie deserves a lot of praise because it is excellent. This brings back flashes of his performance in the extremely popular "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". In closing, give "Yes Man" a chance. It's good for some laughs but also offers a very optimistic view on life in general.
one of comments about this movie, for more get it on,
Label: Jim Carrey is The Yes Man
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 6:27 PM 0 komentar
The Day the Earth Stood Still (12.12.08)
While lying on the ground, Klaatu orders Gort to stop, and is then taken by the military to a hospital from which he later escapes in order to learn more about this planet called Earth and its human inhabitants. He meets Helen Benson (Patricia Neal) and her son Billy (Billy Gray); takes Klaatu on a tour of Washington, DC; and finally stops in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Klaatu reads the words uttered by Lincoln many years ago and realizes that there might be hope for Earth.
When they begin to suspect the alien man, he reveals himself, along with the news that Gort is a member of a race of super-robot enforcers invented to keep the peace of the galaxy and will destroy the Earth if provoked. Klaatu is pursued and shot and killed by the military. Before Klaatu dies, he tells Helen to go to Gort, and say the words "Klaatu barada nikto." If she does not, Klaatu tells her Gort will destroy the Earth. Helen makes her way to the ship and finds Gort. As the robot moves towards her, she repeats the phrase over and over. The robot picks her up and takes her into the ship. It then retrieves Klaatu's body and, through their alien science, resurrects Klaatu.
The 2008 remake about an alien and his indestructible robot will star Keanu Reeves as Klaatu, Jennifer Connelly as Helen Benson, Jaden Smith as Jacob, and Kathy Bates. Gort has not been cast at this time and will most likely be created using SFX.
The remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still will supposedly remain true to the original movie. However, there is a chance the remake will more likely remain true to the short story upon which the 1951 movie is based. In either case, the alien weaponry seems to have been upgraded. In addition to a city going dark, and a very brief look at the new Gort, the film trailer shows a cloud of black smoke, capable of rapid movement and disintegrating matter on contact.
In the 1951 movie, Gort is described as one of a race of robots created by the planets to maintain peace throughout the galaxy. If the 2008 remake follows "Farewell to the Master," the short story by Harry Bates upon which the 1951 movie is based will be used for the ending, which will not be revealed here.
Label: The Day the Earth Stood Still (12.12.08)
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 6:16 PM 0 komentar
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Journey to The Center of The Earth
Label: Journey to The Center of The earth
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 9:17 PM 0 komentar
Shaolin Girl
However, the net of it all is that while the intent for a quasi-sequel is there, having the Japanese play characters experts in the classic Chinese form of martial arts might seem a little wrong, just like how the hue and cry came about with Chinese characters portraying Japanese geishas. But if the source in contention was treated with respect, I guess there would be no qualms moving forward, though with the way things were treated here, you would've pondered whether it was done in jest, or in mockery.
For instance, the numerous Bruce Lee homage. Yes, we all know about all things yellow, so it's a no brainer here. But to have a lookalike come out as a villain, dressed in a white singlet, black pants and emulating Lee on the nunchuks, was a tad below the belt, especially the way he was disgracefully dispatched. A friend of mine said it was perhaps a kick in the face toward all the imitations and wannabes, but I'd like to think otherwise. The finale look straight out of Game of Death where our alpha-female do battle floor to floor encountering various martial arts masters, but come to think of it, they were dispatched with incredible ease. And don't get me started on the corridor of mirrors too, which served no purpose other than to show that the filmmakers can.
Lead actress Kou Shibasaki (from Crying Out Love In The Center of the World) in the titular role looks good and cute for the part in order to draw in the crowds, and granted she has no martial arts background (ala new female warrior Jeeja Yanin in Chocolate) she makes up for it with artificially choreographed grace that made her a little believable. What's not believable, was her ability to speak Chinese, and the Shaolin monks as well, because they are clearly Japanese, but had to pass off as experts in the language, which came off as unbearable and laughable.
You might think that director Katsuyuki Motohiro, with his Bayside Shakedown pedigree, would be deft at handling stories with multiple subplots. However, Shaolin Girl bitten off more than it could chew, and couldn't decide what it wanted to be. On one hand, it wanted to spread the love for Kung Fu, or specifically, the Shaolin brand of fist-fighting. On the other, it had to reflect on its supposed predecessor and fuse in a sport different from soccer (here it's Lacrosse). And it wanted to weave kung fu into the game, only to hold back to prevent itself from being a clone. So while you get a sport, there isn't much copycat kung-fu styles and stances, until the end credit roll when it became obvious.
Shaolin Girl Rin Sakurazara was sent as a kid by her grandfather to China's famed Shaolin school of martial arts to learn to curb and control her wealth of potential, promised power. What this power was, nobody knew, except that everyone knew she had to be protected from the villains lest she gets tempted to go to the Dark Side (yes, so very Star Wars). But she returns upon completion of her training to revive her grandfather's dojo, and does so in quite an impetuous headstrong manner, that she has a few lessons to learn herself, such as humility, camaraderie and teamwork, before she can impart those martial arts lessons.
However, despite all that talk about teaming, it still boiled down to a one-woman whackfest for the last act. If you're looking for some serious fighting, then the first two acts of the movie will bore as you only get teases spruced very much by special effects, some bits too, especially those involving Lacrosse, got too repetitive. Kitty Zhang, Chow's new muse from CJ7, ends up in this movie too to provide some lesbian undertones (ok, so I chose to read it that way, but think about it). and although she has a meatier role here as a naive do-gooder, the role still boiled down to a flower vase in cheongsam.
And if you're patient and were waiting to be rewarded with some proper combat for the finale, be prepared to be disappointed too. For all the talk about her prowess, you'll laugh at what Rin pulled off. Not that it's a comedy and you're supposed to chuckle, but you're laughing at its delivery instead, for all the wrong reasons. Never have I seen something that hokey, and anti-climatic as well. Not only that, the fights were unimaginative and, horrors, boring too, while the villains were all reduced to mindless goons ala Crazy88 style, with some tendencies to caress man boobs, and totally unmenacing, with lead villains having zero motivation other than to desire to fight. I nearly fell off my seat when it ventured close to The Promise territory with its take on the tykes.
Even supporting appearances by characters from Shaolin Soccer couldn't save the day, and became ridiculous caricatures of themselves. Perhaps what could rescue Shaolin Girl, was a cameo by Chow who probably might have upped the credibility of this flick, but alas, knowing that it would stink, he rightfully kept his distance. And so should you, unless you're a fan of either Kitty Zhang or Kou Shibasaki, then you can lap up all the close-up shots.
Label: Shaolin Girl
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 9:12 PM 0 komentar
Meet Dave
The aliens are seeking a way to save their planet, Nil, from an energy crisis. For that they need salt, which they plan to produce by draining the Earth's Oceans using the metal ball, so they have to recover it. Through a car accident in which the spaceship is hit by the car of Josh's single mother Gina Morrison (Elizabeth Banks), the spaceship befriends Gina and Josh, telling them it's name is Dave MingChang and sees the ball on a photograph. Josh tells him that is was taken from him by a bully. Directed to him by Josh, Dave takes the metal ball back from the bully.
The Captain spends time with Josh and Gina, and realizes that humans are more advanced than they thought, having feelings and love. He decides to cancel the plan of draining the oceans, because of the damage to the Earth. Number 2 (the second in command on the spaceship) disagrees, takes over command, and imprisons the captain (Number 1). Commander Number 3 (Gabrielle Union) is secretly in love with Number 1 and becomes jealous of Gina. She first cooperates in the change of command, but later agrees with Number 1. Number 1 and Number 3 are both expelled from the spaceship, but manage to reenter it and convince the crew that the captain should become in charge again. In the meantime one crew member, Number 17 (Kevin Hart) drunk from the alcoholic drink Dave has taken, takes a pretty female crew member and jumps out. Meanwhile, The Number 1 apologizes to Number 3 for ignoring her. He admits that he does love her and wants to be with her. Back at the police station, Dooley discovers Number 17 in his coffee and steals him to find out information from him.
The police knows from the impression of Dave's face in the dirt on the crash site what he looks like, and they arrest him for investigation. Dave breaks out, and the police try to arrest him again. Josh is at the scene and recharges Dave, who runs out of power, using a taser he takes from a police officer. The ball, thrown in the ocean by Number 2, is retracted. The captain orders Number 2 to be stuck in the ship's "butt" forever. The crew member who is with the police officer is allowed to enter Dave, and its rocket powered shoe with all crew leaves Earth. While in the ship, the Captain tells Number 3 that he will need a new "Number 2" and they kiss. During the end credits, the aliens dance to Shining Star by Earth, Wind and Fire.
Label: Meet Dave
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 9:03 PM 0 komentar
New Halloween
Label: New Halloween
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 8:56 PM 0 komentar
Asterix at The Olympic Games
Label: Asterix at The Olympic Games
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 8:50 PM 0 komentar
The Mist
Label: The Mist
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 8:45 PM 0 komentar
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
Label: Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 8:35 PM 0 komentar
Meet the Spartans
Label: Meet the Spartans
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 8:28 PM 0 komentar
Superhero Movie
Label: Superhero Movie
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 8:20 PM 0 komentar
The Forbidden Kingdom
Label: The Forbidden Kingdom
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 8:11 PM 0 komentar
Max Payne
The next day, Max goes with his former partner Alex Balder (Donal Logue) to investigate her murder. Alex then reveals Max's wallet was found at the crime scene and that he is the prime suspect. Back in his office, Alex discovers that a tattoo of wings found on Natasha's arm is similar to the one on the arm of one of Michelle's murderers, killed at the crime scene. He tries to call Max to reveal his finding, but in vain as he's answered by his voice mail. Max receives his message and rushes to his apartment, only to find Alex dead. Suddenly, he is attacked and thrown around until he blacks out. Max wakes up in hospital beside his mentor B.B. Hensley (Beau Bridges). Max goes to Alex's house to offer his condolences but is forced to leave by his wife Christa Balder (Nelly Furtado), stating that Max has always pushed away everyone who ever cared about him. Later, Max again meets Mona Sax, who believes he killed Natasha, but Max convinces her that they are both looking for someone else. After storming into Alex's precinct and searching through his partner's investigation files, Max learns that a man named Owen Greene was the last person Natasha called before her death.
The scene shifts to crime boss Jack Lupino (Amaury Nolasco) who has become unstable and increasingly berserk due to addiction to the drug Valkyr. He gives the drug to another wing-tattoed junkie and shortly afterwards kills him. Max and Mona find Owen Greene's apartment but hear him screaming. Owen has also become unstable and hallucinated due to Valkyr and backs away from Max and Mona towards the edge of the apartment. He is then pulled by a demonic creature on wings and falls to his death. Max and Mona go to see a tattooist who did Natasha's tattoos; when asked about the winged tattoo, he tells that it is the wing of a Valkyrie, the Norse mythological deity that carried to Heaven only those that died violently in combat. Max then arrives at Aesir Pharmaceuticals headquarters, Michelle's former workplace, to talk with her former supervisor, Jason Colvin (Chris O'Donnell). After brutally beating him up and even holding him at gun point, Colvin reveals everything. He explains that Michelle was working on a big military-related project with Aesir's CEO, Nicole Horne (Kate Burton) concerning the development of a stamina-enhancing drug for soldiers. Colvin also reveals that the drug only worked in 1% of the test subjects and the remaining suffered severe traumatic hallucinations about demonic creatures. Colvin tells Max that everything he wants to know is inside an envelope Colvin has been carrying around. Max and Colvin attempt to escape but a S.W.A.T team arrives, after being alerted by Colvin's secretary. Colvin is purposely shot dead but Max manages to escape with the envelope, amidst a shooting spree, not before a brief encounter with Jim Bravura (Chris "Ludacris" Bridges), an internal affairs agent.
Mona later finds Max in a abandoned warehouse, watching the video inside Colvin's package. It is revealed that Aesir Pharmaceuticals was the company manufacturing Valkyr for the military. It was a drug created for the purpose of enhancing a soldier's ability in combat and to control their fears. It is also revealed that, before becoming unstable and a rampage killer, Jack Lupino was a former sergeant who volunteered for Valkyr testing; in the video interview, Lupino stated that "he felt invincible" and "suffered no side effects". Mona tells Max that Lupino's lair is at Ragna Rock. Subsequently, Max goes there and successfully kills all of Lupino's henchmen with ease. Max then encounters Lupino, who attempts to force the drug into Max's body. Before he can, he is shot dead by B.B.. While leaving Ragna Rock with B.B., Max is knocked unconscious by B.B.'s assistant. Max is then showed walking handcuffed between B.B. and his assistant, who confesses he is the lead manufacturer of Valkyr and the runaway killer that Max has been searching for. B.B. and his partner then attempt to eliminate Max. Making him look like an drug-addicted suicidal by slipping two vials of the Valkyr drug in his jacket pocket, and then attempting to drown him in a freezing river. Max sinks to the bottom as we saw in the opening scene of the movie, but only the thought of his wife and daughter give him the strength to struggle and he barely makes it out alive. In order to combat freezing to death, he ingests the two vials of Valkyr that B.B. had earlier put in his jacket. The effects are felt immediately as he revives his strength and anger and hallucinates with the demonic winged creatures as seen by Valkyr-consuming subjects, which are revealed to be the mythological Valkyries.
A strengthened and berserk Max then rushes to Aesir Pharmaceuticals to kill B.B., but amidst all the shooting and due to his increasing hallucinations, Max is almost killed by one of B.B.'s security team members, before Mona arrives, saves Max and offers to hold the rest off until he reaches his former mentor. B.B. has arranged a helicopter to evacute him while his assistant tries to blow up the rooftop access with explosives. Mona fatally wounds the assistant, but he still manages to blow up the floor he is on. Max catches up with B.B. and, despite being shot twice, he shoots B.B. dead. Max then slumps near the edge of the building and the dark, snowy, cloudy city sky is now clearing up and the sun appears shining on Max's face. He then experiences a flashback of himself, his wife and daughter and the film ends with Michelle saying "Not yet, Max."
There is a post credit scene, where Max Payne meets up with Mona Sax at a bar. There is no dialogue between Mona and Max, Mona just gives Max a newspaper article that has Aesir's CEO, Nicole Horne on it with the headline "Aesir stock soars" (or something like that). Max and Mona give each other a look of pleasure knowing who is going to be next.
Label: Max Payne
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 8:02 PM 0 komentar
Bangkok Dangerous
Label: Bangkok Dangerous
Diposkan oleh The Philosopher of Azkaban di 7:52 PM 0 komentar